I've been getting my hair cut at Azta Salon in Metrowalk for some time now. After a month and a half since the last time I had a haircut, I decided I didn't want to grow my hair any longer, so I braved the heavy rains, crossed Meralco Avenue, and let the downpour pass before going home and get a haircut at the same time.

Azta Salon is located on the second floor of Metrowalk and is beside The Elbow Room. When you walk in the swinging glass doors, the reception booth greets you and a receptionist asks you what service you want to get and who does your hair, if you're already a regular.

When you're assigned a stylist, they lead you to an available chair with a mirror in front and some magazines available for you to read. The stylist comes over to ask you what haircut you want - I told him I'm considering a really short cut like a "semi-
kalbo" but finally decided on just a relatively short and clean-looking cut. The stylist calls on his assistant who proceeds to shampoo you up right on your seat.

Of course rinsing is done at a sink that has this curve that hugs your nape. I read somewhere you should be careful with this type of sink-- that if you lean on it incorrectly, you could just hurt your neck or spine!

After the stylist is done cutting your hair, you have to rinse again and when you come back, the assistant does some blowing with a hair dryer :) and the stylist comes back for the finishing touches.

Voila! You have your generic hairstyle back!

A final note on giving tips: women give tips usually, men on the other hand could still give tips but they aren't so
chummy-chummy with the stylist and the assistant to seek them out and personally hand them their tips. At Azta, they have these small brown envelopes where you could slide in your tips and then write in front of the envelope who you're giving the tip to and how much. But don't expect the stylist or the assistant to remember you the next time you come around because they wouldn't know that it was you who gave them something unless you gave the tip to them personally.
Labels: Wherefore