Near the end of the mass, during the announcements, the officiating priest was particularly funny with quips like: "O, magsiluhod na kayo kung ayaw niyong masaktan." (O, kneel now if you don't want to get hurt.) and "...pagkakuha niyo ng envelope, lagyan niyo ng isang daan." (...if you get an envelope, put one hundred in it.) and "pag sa Diyos, tama na ang sampung piso; pero kung makapag-sine kayo kulang-kulang dalawang daan ang bawat tiket- ang kapal niyo naman!" (for God, ten pesos is already enough; but when you go to the movies, you buy tickets worth almost two-hundred- that's thick-faced of you!). The extra collection was for the catechists and I thought about doing something similar, maybe volunteer to teach the less-fortunate somewhere.
Labels: A mass