Cebu in Pictures, Part 1
Bound for Cebu, 12:30PM Philippine Airlines flight. Was at the Centennial Airport, Terminal 2 at 10:30AM.
The flight was quick. One hour. And I was on a P375 cab from the airport at Mactan City speeding to Cebu City.
Here's the Christmas tree in front of the recently constructed Cebu Convention Center.
And here's my hotel room (Rajah Park Hotel) where I'll be in until the 19th when I'm moved to a studio room for a couple of days before moving back into a deluxe room. Find Pooper.
The hotel lobby where you can get free wifi internet access. I'm going to check out the health spa at the 3rd floor after I publish this.
A while ago, I remembered I haven't had lunch so I went to the Robinson's Mall across the street. There was a food court so I tried that first. The stall in particular was Smokin' Rice.
True to their name, the rice was smoking hot. And it stayed hot for maybe five minutes. Unfortunately, the pork chops were more like breading chops. Was there meat in there at all?
Sunset at the Fuente Osmena Circle Park.
And yes, those are pirated DVD's.
Welcome to Cebu!

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