My heart sank when I heard it- the project that I was to lead was pushed back not two weeks but now, two months and it'll kick off in January. My head spun- what am I going to do now? Two months since I rolled off from my previous project and I'm still training new-comers. I'm doing good, pretty good actually, on it, discovering and correcting flaws and I must say I think the trainees do learn a lot from the program and not just because I'm handling it now. But there a lot of things to improve with this program and with the account I'm in right now. And I haven't even been formally introduced as part of the account, just someone on the outskirts lending a hand because I'm available to help. Helping is not the problem. The direction I'm trying to set for myself has just undergone another setback. And will the remaining time (beginning January up to May or June - that's just six months until the start of the evaluation process) I have to prove my capacity to lead and to manage be enough to prove just that? Will I be open to any other opportunity that would give me the kind of work I've been longing and been ready for? I know I'm ready. But will I be given the chance to get it? And what kind of chance is it? Whirrrl.
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