a musing: derivations of a non-conformist idealist

a musing: derivations of a non-conformist idealist

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Whether vain set 09

And just as this series ends, a more exciting chapter begins. And there's a clue in this set. No, not a new haircut. It's never been in the other sets. No, it's not my new seat at the 35th floor of my building. It's... if I have been optimistic or positive before, I am absolutely feeling astronomical, heavenly even. It's as if nothing can go wrong and everything has a reason for taking so long. And it's been a long wait but it's all worth it. All good things to those who wait, they say. Well, there aren't enough words to describe how happy and grateful I feel right now. So happy I could cry. Like when I'm watching my favorite TV show Wish Ko Lang and they're featuring a reunion or really big assistance to someone in real dire need... More clues in succeeding posts.

Back to the Whether Vain project: I don't look much different from when I started 81 days and pictures ago. My weight still went from 151 to 149 and back to 151. I've had a couple of haircuts. I've gone through another election where my family got an amusing surprise. I've started drinking soda (light sodas only) again after 2 years. And I'm about to go to a new project at work where I don't know how things will be. I still always smile everyday, try to make other people smile or laugh too. The first and last things I do everyday is still thank God for all His blessings. 81 days. A lot has happened. And a lot has remained the same. Life has been just how I like it to be- simple yet complicated, fun and difficult. But it's all worthwhile. This picture-taking project may have ended (for now) but it has been a reminder for me to be grateful for and try to work with anything that I receive, not because when comparing with other people I could appear to be more blessed, but because I have this great opportunity to experience life and experience other people, to experience all these emotions, and see the world and learn, and try to maybe affect at least one more person in a positive way. I could die tomorrow and no one will have memory of me but that's the least of one's worries because life is like a photograph, it fades and disappears. Was that a genuine smile at least that you flashed in the photo?



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