I am not a Harry Potter book series reader. I watch the films hoping it will be interesting enough. And having forgotten what the previous ones were about, this most recent one- The Order of the Phoenix, had me enthralled from beginning to end...


Ordinarily, I would notice how many times the movie made me laugh or cry. But in this movie, what I noticed was the number of times I yawned: three times.

There were some notable and interesting performances, the characters of Professor Umbridge and Luna Lovegood, more specifically. Of course, the supporting cast from the previous films still stood out even though they only had measly screen times. And at one point in the film, I went: "Hey, isn't that Helena Bonham Carter?" Cool to see her again.

As for the story itself... if you thought Transformers was a little loopy too, this one was like a bowl of mixed cereal. The special effects are all dark and blurred especially the centaurs. You'd think they just had to introduce the normally invisible but flight-capable rotting-looking horse-like creatures so the characters could fly off to London when they had to. Harry kisses a girl who eventually sort of betrays their group of magic-practicing kids; and although near the end it is revealed that she was brought under a truth serum (?) or spell, we never get to see her again... And headmaster Dumbledore gets the highlight scene of duking it out with head villain pasty-faced he-who-we-should-not-name (this has gotten old!). Oh well, good luck on the next film. Just for the fans, I'll give it a 2 out of 5 stars.
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