Just makes you wanna dive in and forget your diet, doesn't it? Or makes you wanna just stare at it? In any case, Red Ribbon, just this weekend, launched their new Picture-Cakes via demos, raffles, and an exhibit of cakes at the Megamall. I wouldn't mind getting one of these beauties to make as a centerpiece at a party. These must cost a little more than the regular cakes so it still has got to be eaten. And I also wouldn't mind getting caught on camera slicing into it, smiling, then handing a plate with a slice to a suddenly-not-so-sweets-conscious friend. Incidentally, Red Ribbon has been around since 1979 so Happy 26th to you! I've always loved your Chocolate Mousse! (in moderation)
Labels: Picture it
At Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:39:00 AM,
Podi Alejandro
i love red ribbon! their blueberry cheesecake will be my comfort food forever and ever and always!
thank you for linking my site!
At Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:57:00 PM,
thanks too
i enjoyed the read
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