thing-so-they-can-re-appear-in-some-other-scene... All-in-all still a good watch. I didn't like the traitorous monstrosity trying to be a Spartan soldier. It was too grotesque to have been born at all. Now the Oracle-dancer with the arousingly aroused nipple... until she got licked by another grotesque-ly disfigured mountain-top-dwelling, robed human-like thing. I felt for the captain and his son whose head got cleanly chopped off. The captain was saying that he regrets not being able to tell his son how much he loved him and was honored by the way the latter fought. I thought their nodding to each other just before the fatal blow was enough so the captain didn't have to get all Filipino-soap-opera-tic. And finally, the scene showing the 300 and the king downed by the arrows was worthy of stealing a mobile-phone camera shot for but I didn't surrender to the urge. My hand didn't retreat to get my pocketed celphone. The 300 died and I was still glued to screen. 117 minutes. Wow. At least 3.75/5 stars.
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